Mighty Oaks奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園
趣味品格教育 孕育幼兒心靈
Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten Introduces Character-based Education to Foster Children’s Spiritual Attributes


Offering a bilingual curriculum, the teaching team of Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten consists of NET, local teachers and Putonghua teachers.

Mighty Oaks aims to help students build a wholesome character through play and discovery.
Mighty Oaks aims to help students build a wholesome character through play and discovery.

奧恩設有大量趣味教學設施,例如課室中的「觀察桌(Observation Table)」,能引發幼兒好奇心。
Every part of the school is designed to be fun and educational, such as the observation table in the classroom to inspire children’s curiosity.

The classrooms are equipped with multimedia interactive whiteboard to enhance children’s creativity and communication skills.

The classrooms are equipped with multimedia interactive whiteboard to enhance children’s creativity and communication skills.

The outdoor playground allows children to freely explore and learn via play.

The outdoor playground allows children to freely explore and learn via play.

The outdoor playground allows children to freely explore and learn via play.



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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                                2016年8月15日

Mighty Oaks奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園
趣味品格教育 孕育幼兒心靈

Phtotos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/MightyOaks/1/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/MightyOaks/1/MightyOaks_PR1_Chi.doc

「Mighty Oaks」一詞源自聖經以賽亞書六十一章三節,意指「公義的橡樹」,亦象徵了Mighty Oaks奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園的教育理念——根據九種「聖靈果子」品格特質設計校本課程,建立幼兒良好品格、語言和溝通能力,以及個人、社會和情感等方面的技能,引領他們身心茁壯成長,成為如同橡樹般堅強、有承擔和責任感的未來棟樑。

奧恩課程涵蓋親子遊戲班、學前班及幼稚園,並根據國際備受推崇的兩套幼兒教育課程——英國Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)及加拿大Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten Program Curriculum為設計藍本,再根據本港的學習程度加以調整,提供英語、粵語及普通話的兩文三語課程,學生將來不論升讀國際學校或本地小學皆可順利銜接。奧恩其中一項最大特色是在課程的設計上,將「聖靈果子」融入到每月的主題活動中,包括︰善良、節制、仁愛、喜樂、和平、仁慈、忠信、溫柔及忍耐,合共九種品格特質,在幼兒教育中滲入良好品格的元素,從而孕育出品學兼優的傑出學生。此外,奧恩亦是參與「香港品格日」的學校之一,進一步推廣品格發展。


此外,學校創辦人十分注重社區支援,特別成立「Mighty Oaks Club」,每月邀請校內外家長帶同子女,探訪老人院或向基層兒童講故事,自小培養同理心。鄧沅叞校長表示︰「這亦是學校選址在堅尼地城的其中一個原因——這裏新舊交融,匯集了新的建築,也有彷彿被遺忘了的舊社區,而我校的其中一項宗旨就是為社區帶來貢獻。對幼兒而言,當這些品格特質成為他們日後指引人生的價值觀,將會有助培養他們的領袖素養,以面對未來各種挑戰。」

奧恩本年度各級課程現正招生,歡迎一至六歲兒童入讀,如欲報名請致電2806 8383或登上 www.mightyoaksedu.hk 查詢。


奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園(Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten)成立於2016年,主張透過遊戲和探索,建立幼兒良好品格,成為如同橡樹(Mighty Oaks)般堅強、有承擔和責任感的未來棟樑。學校課程根據「聖靈果子」設計,包括︰善良、節制、仁愛、喜樂、和平、仁慈、忠信、溫柔及忍耐,合共九種品格特質,融入每月的主題活動中,課程以英國Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS)及加拿大Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten Program Curriculum為設計藍本,再按照本港的學習程度加以調整,提供英語、普通話及粵語的兩文三語課程,學生將來不論升讀國際學校或本地小學皆可順利銜接。此外,奧恩亦是參與「香港品格日」的學校之一,進一步推廣品格發展。地址︰香港堅尼地城卑路街46A號隆基大樓1樓  電話︰2806 8383  網址︰www.mightyoaksedu.hk  Facebook︰www.facebook.com/mightyoaksedu

發稿:奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵:info@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與奧恩國際幼兒園暨幼稚園代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。


For Immediate Release                                                                 15th August 2016

Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten Introduces Character-based Education to Foster Children’s Spiritual Attributes

Phtotos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/MightyOaks/1/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/MightyOaks/1/MightyOaks_PR1_Eng.doc

Inspired by a biblical verse from Isaiah 61:3, the name “Mighty Oaks” carries the meaning of “oaks of righteousness,” which also embodies the vision of Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten: Children can build a wholesome character and grow into future leaders as strong and dependable as oak trees. With a specially designed preschool curriculum based on the nine “fruit of the spirit,” Mighty Oaks is devoted to instilling the essential moral attributes in children while fostering their skills in language, communication, personal, social, and emotional aspects.

From playgroup and pre-nursery to kindergarten, the curriculum of Mighty Oaks is modelled upon two of the world’s best paradigms for preschool education: the United Kingdom’s Early Years Foundation Stages Curriculum (EYFS) and the Canadian Full-Day Early Learning – Kindergarten Program Curriculum. These curricula have been adapted to suit the learning expectations in Hong Kong. The school offers a trilingual setting, with lessons taught in English, Cantonese, and Putonghua; therefore, students will be well-prepared to enter international and local primary schools. One of the most remarkable features of Mighty Oaks is that the teaching theme for each month is designed based on one of the nine “fruit of the spirit,” corresponding to the nine attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. By infusing the elements of character education into regular lesson plans, the school aims to nurture not only students’ academic excellence, but also their virtuous character. Moreover, it is one of the schools participating in Character Day Hong Kong to further promote character development.

Mighty Oaks adopts small group teaching with NET, Putonghua, and local teachers. All of the currently registered teachers hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, and qualified teachers are recruited based on their teaching experience, relevant education, and shared vision of education; religious background is not a major consideration. Similarly, the school welcomes both Christian and non-Christian students as the curriculum focuses on using the “fruit of the spirit” as a means to foster children’s character rather than preaching religious messages.

Furthermore, to emphasize community support, the school founders have organized the Mighty Oaks Club. Every month they invite parents and children – whether they are students of the school or not—to visit elderly homes or tell stories to underprivileged children. Such community services are meant to nurture children’s empathy from an early age. Principal Ms Livia Tang states, “This is one of the reasons why we decided to set up our school in Kennedy Town – a place where old meets new, both residents and buildings alike. We believe that helping the community is one of our school’s priorities. As for the children, as their character develops, it will become their guiding principle for the rest of their lives. This will then shape what type of leaders they become as they face different challenges in the future.”

Classes in the upcoming school year for students from 1 to 6 years old are now open for admission. To apply, please call 2806 8383 or visit the website www.mightyoaksedu.hk for details.

About Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten
Founded in 2016, Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten aims to help students build a wholesome character through play and discovery so they can grow into future leaders as strong and dependable as oak trees. The school curriculum is specially designed with a unique theme each month to match one of the nine “fruit of the spirit,” corresponding to the nine attributes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The curriculum is modelled upon two of the world’s best paradigms for preschool education – the United Kingdom’s Early Years Foundation Stages Curriculum (EYFS) and the Canadian Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten Program Curriculum – adapted to suit the learning expectations in Hong Kong. The school offers a trilingual setting, with lessons taught in English, Putonghua, and Cantonese; therefore, students will be well-prepared to enter international and local primary schools. It is also one of the schools participating in Character Day Hong Kong to further promote character development. Address: 1/F, Lungga Mansion, 46A Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong. Tel: 2806 8383; Website: www.mightyoaksedu.hk; Facebook: www.facebook.com/mightyoaksedu

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Mighty Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: info@seedland.hk