響應922「香港品格日」 共品格城市
Frederick Ma, Joseph Sung, Florence Hui, David Yeung, Lilian Lui, Alex Fong and Karena Lam share their thoughts in support of Character Day Hong Kong on 22nd September




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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                       2016年9月5日

響應922「香港品格日」 共品格城市

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/3/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/3/CharacterDay3_Chi.doc


短片連結: http://bit.ly/2bX7nFo

短片連結: http://bit.ly/2bE2Pkb

短片連結: http://bit.ly/2bDPJbv

社會企業Green Monday的聯合創辦人楊大偉先生:
短片連結: http://bit.ly/2c6xJo4

短片連結: http://bit.ly/2caLUab

短片連結: http://bit.ly/2bJQHyz

短片連結: http://bit.ly/2bDHM7c


詳情和報名可登上 www.characterday.hk ,一切所需物資包括宣傳海報、手冊及存有相關電子檔案的光碟,將由香港品格日協會提供。至於公眾人士,則可密切留意我們的Facebook專頁( www.facebook.com/characterdayhk )以獲取最新消息,大家亦不妨在此刻開始跟身邊人多說幾句:「唔該晒!」期望所有重視和關心品格的人士齊心支持,讓品格教育的種子得以遍地開花!

香港品格日協會由一群熱心人士於2016年成立,旨在推動香港成為一個重視、歌頌和培育品格的地方。協會得到多個一直致力於本港推動品格教育的組織鼎力支持,包括:JEMS Education Foundation、香港有品運動、一口田慈善教育基金、寰宇希望及和富社會企業,聯同社會上關注品格教育的有心人,攜手將培養品格的重要訊息廣傳。首屆「香港品格日」定於2016年9月22日,誠邀全港中小學、大專院校、機構及社會大眾一同參與。網站: www.characterday.hk ;臉書: https://www.facebook.com/characterdayhk/

發稿:香港品格日協會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵: info@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與香港品格日協會代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。


For Immediate Release                                                5th September 2016

Frederick Ma, Joseph Sung, Florence Hui, David Yeung, Lilian Lui, Alex Fong and Karena Lam share their thoughts in support of Character Day Hong Kong on 22nd September

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/3/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/3/CharacterDay3_Eng.doc

In order to promote character education, this year, Character Day Association Hong Kong takes pleasure in introducing the global character education movement “Character Day” rooted from the United States to Hong Kong for the first time. Character Day Hong Kong 2016 will be held on 22nd September, and the Association is much honoured to have invited seven ambassadors, including Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Non-executive Chairman of MTR, Prof. Joseph Sung, SBS, JP, Vice Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. David Yeung, Co-founder of Green Monday, Principal Lilian Lui, whose real-life story inspired the film Little Big Master, and renowned actor Mr. Alex Fong and actress Ms Karena Lam, to endorse the event. The seven ambassadors’ sharing on this year’s theme, “Gratitude”, has been filmed and the clips are now online for the public to enjoy:

Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Non-executive Chairman of MTR
Being highly recognized in both the business and government sectors, Professor Frederick Ma believes that it is with a humble heart, a growth mindset and the willingness to listen to other’s opinions that shapes the person he is today. Coming from a grassroots family, he could not even afford the HK$16 tuition fee during secondary school. Fortunately, he received support from his uncle, who backed him up in furthering his studies, for which he is eternally grateful.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2bX7nFo

Prof. Joseph Sung, SBS, JP, Vice Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Being one of the most respected scholars in the medical field, Prof. Joseph Sung has dedicated his life to medical research and teaching. In addition, he is also a great mentor to students. The character traits that he honours the most are integrity and sincerity, and points out that a person with these character strengths can easily earn respect from others without the need to rely on the tool of eloquence.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2bE2Pkb

Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs
Florence Hui emphasizes the importance of character and points out that character can act as our life compass, and serve as the paradigm to help us handle challenges and problems properly.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2bDPJbv

Mr. David Yeung, Co-founder of Green Monday
The founder of a social enterprise that promotes vegetarian diet and eco-friendly practices, David Yeung is a pioneer to set the trend of green lifestyle. The character trait that he cherishes the most is resilience. He explains that obstacles are inevitable in life, and the more successful you are, the easier it is for you to face challenges, because the key to success is the courage to make new attempts. In face of difficulties and failures, the perseverance and strength to get back on one’s feet after the fall is crucial for life advancement.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2c6xJo4

Principal Lilian Lui, whose real-life story inspired the film Little Big Master
Principal Lilian Lui is a passionate educator, who shows unconditional dedication to Yuen Kong Kindergarten, and eventually saved the kindergarten from education reform. The story of Principal Lui and her kindergarten was then made into the inspiring film Little Big Master. In her opinion, gratitude means cherishing the devotion and love one receives from others, and such relationship can make the world a better place.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2caLUab

Renowned actor Mr. Alex Fong
Alex Fong was elected in the “Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection” (TOYP Hong Kong) in 2014. Amongst all the important character traits, Alex believes respect and gratitude are the most important. He is most grateful for having a harmonious family, in which he and his younger brother are well-loved by his parents. The brothers are blessed with the right directions and goals suggested by their parents. Despite their expectations for their sons, Alex’s parents have never pressured them with strict demands, and allow them the space to freely develop and fulfill their potentials.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2bJQHyz

Renowned actress Ms Karena Lam
Aside from her successful career in the entertainment industry, Karena Lam is also a dedicated mother who believes that character development and academic achievements are equally important. She is concerned about the character development of her two daughters, and wishes to raise her children to have the virtuous elements of good character.
Video link: http://bit.ly/2bDHM7c

Character Day Association Hong Kong invites all schools in Hong Kong to join the global movement and be a pioneer Character Day School. All they need to do is to take four simple steps between 22nd September and 22nd October 2016 as follows:

  1. Put up Character Day posters at school
  2. Watch a short film about Character as a school body
  3. Implement one “gratitude activity” (e.g. writing gratitude letters, creating a gratitude mural, making gratitude reflection, etc.)
  4. Submit a report that includes 8 to 10 photos of the above-mentioned activities to Character Day Association Hong Kong

To sign up, please go to www.characterday.hk and fill in the registration form. A Character Kit that contains all the necessary materials, including videos, posters, handbooks and CD with useful files will be mailed to participating schools. As for the general public, please stay tuned to our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/characterdayhk ) for updates and details. You are also welcomed to join our campaign by saying more “Thank you” in everyday life. We look forward to your support so that character development can flourish in town!

About Character Day Association Hong Kong
Established in 2016, Character Day Association Hong Kong aims to promote Hong Kong as a city that emphasizes the celebration and development of character. The association has received numerous support from organizations that share the same goal, including JEMS Education Foundation, Hong Kong Character City, Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation Ltd, HOPE worldwide and Wofoo Social Enterprises Ltd, and from individuals who have a heart for character education to widely advocate the importance of good character. The first Character Day Hong Kong will be held on 22nd September 2016, and is now open to participation of all schools, organizations and individuals.
Website: www.characterday.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/characterdayhk/

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Character Day Association Hong Kong

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: info@seedland.hk