史丹福學者Jonathan Osborne教授主講科學教育及評核新方向
數百教育工作者踴躍參與 徐立之教授同場主持討論環節
Hundreds of educators gathered for seminars on new directions in science education
and assessments presented by Stanford scholar Prof. Jonathan Osborne with panel discussion chaired by Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee


Ms Nisa Leung, Founder of STEM Initiative Hong Kong, gave an opening speech.

    美國STEM教育框架的核心始創成員、美國史丹福大學Jonathan Osborne教授在兩場講座上與數百名教育工作者分享真知灼見。
    Prof. Jonathan Osborne of Stanford University, a key author of the STEM framework in the United States, shared his insights on science and STEM education with hundreds of educators.

    美國STEM教育框架的核心始創成員、美國史丹福大學Jonathan Osborne教授在兩場講座上與數百名教育工作者分享真知灼見。
    Prof. Jonathan Osborne of Stanford University, a key author of the STEM framework in the United States, shared his insights on science and STEM education with hundreds of educators.

於第二日講座後舉辦之討論環節。左起:香港中文大學機械及自動化工程學系廖維新教授、香港中學校長會主席李雪英女士、美國史丹福大學Jonathan Osborne教授、港科院創院院長徐立之教授、香港數理教育學會主席劉國良先生、香港大學教育學院助理教授馮俊樂博士、青年企業家發展局創辦人及主席梁劉柔芬女士。
A panel discussion was held on the second day after the talk. From left: Professor Wei-Hsin Liao, Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Ms Lee Suet Ying, Chairman, The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools; Prof. Jonathan Osborne, Stanford University; Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Founding President, The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong; Principal Gyver Lau, Chairman, The Hong Kong Association for Science & Mathematics Education; Dr. Dennis Fung, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong; Mrs Sophie Leung, Founder and Chairman, The Young Entrepreneurs Development Council.



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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                                2016年6月29日


史丹福學者Jonathan Osborne教授主講科學教育及評核新方向
數百教育工作者踴躍參與 徐立之教授同場主持討論環節

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1606-post/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1606-post/STEM_PR_PostEvent_Chi.doc

 現今全球科學及科技發展瞬息萬變,把科學(Science)、科技(Technology)、工程(Engineering)和數學(Mathematics)──統稱為「STEM教育」的需求日益增長,透過跨學科的綜合模式培養學生的分析及解難能力。為了推廣此未來教育趨勢,讓教育界人士進一步瞭解其原理及推行方式,「STEM教育行動」於6月20及22日舉辦兩場關於「科學教育及評核新方向」的講座,並非常榮幸邀請到美國STEM教育框架的核心始創成員、美國史丹福大學Jonathan Osborne教授親臨香港,在兩場講座上與數百名教育工作者分享真知灼見。第二場講座更設有由徐立之教授主持的討論環節,讓本地教師與關心教育之人士交流意見,探討如何在香港實行STEM教育。

首日講座上,Osborne教授先介紹如何透過革新STEM教學方法,栽培學生的科學素養,以迎接未來十年新社會的挑戰。有別於傳統教學模式集中於探究議題(Focus on Inquiry),各學科被分門別類,他提出STEM教育應該集中於應用及實踐(Focus on Scientific Practices),讓學生能夠體驗科學家的現實處境,透過跨學科問題學習STEM知識。他講解了八種科學應用實踐方法,包括建構科學模型(Scientific Model)、計劃研究方案及分析數據等,並指出這些實踐經驗可令學生更投入學習,並更有效地學習相關的實用技巧和知識,以培育更多具備興趣及能力研習STEM的人才,應付將來以創新為本的社會所需。



STEM教育行動創辦人梁穎宇女士衷心感激與會人士的踴躍參與,她表示︰「我們十分榮幸有數百位觀眾出席Osborne教授兩場發人深省的STEM教育講座,未來我們將會繼續舉辦活動,推廣教育創新思維。我們將會在今年十月下旬舉辦『FabLearn教育會議』,讓從事教育、研究及政策制定的各界人士有機會認識、分享與討論各種教育新方向,例如數碼製造(Digital Fabrication)、自造文化(Maker Culture)、動手學習(Hands-on Learning)及教學工具。請大家密切留意,期待屆時再見!」


關於Jonathan Osborne教授



發稿:STEM教育行動     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵:info@seedland.hk
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For Immediate Release                                                                  29th June 2016

Hundreds of educators gathered for seminars on new directions in science education and assessments presented by Stanford scholar Prof. Jonathan Osborne with panel discussion chaired by Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1606-post/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1606-post/STEM_PR_PostEvent_Eng.doc

The rapid innovations in science and technology globally have called for a higher demand for STEM education, which combines Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics into an integrated approach of analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. To promote the principles and applications of this future trend of education, STEM Initiative Hong Kong held two seminars on the topic “New Directions in Science Education and Assessment” on 20th and 22nd June, and was honoured to have invited Prof. Jonathan Osborne of Stanford University, a key author of the STEM framework in the United States, as the speaker of both talks. While the two seminars attracted hundreds of educators to attend, the second one also featured a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee, in which local educators and concerned parties shared their ideas about implementing STEM education in Hong Kong.

On the first day of the seminar series, Prof. Osborne gave an inspiring introduction to the new approach of teaching STEM subjects in order to foster students’ scientific literacy for challenges in the next decade. He suggested that instead of teaching in the traditional way that focuses on inquiry with a strong subject classification, STEM knowledge should be presented to students in form of interdisciplinary problems with a focus on scientific practices like what scientists need to do in reality. He illustrated eight scientific practices, including building models, planning investigations and analyzing data, and others, which offer students hands-on experiences to engage them in learning STEM and equip them with the practical skills and knowledge, thus supporting an innovation-based society with a considerable number of individuals who are interested and competent to pursue the studies of STEM.

The second seminar focused on how assessment format is changing to meet the needs of science teaching in the new era. Prof. Osborne suggested nine principles of education for the future, including that students are expected to not just recall scientific knowledge, but also demonstrate what they can do. He drew from the examples of the New Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in the United States and Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) to illustrate the future trend of how assessment questions are going to be set differently compared to traditional ones, such as assessing students’ ability to develop a model to explain a natural phenomenon, and other more complex tasks to demonstrate their practical skills in scientific reasoning. He also highlighted assessment should not be a negative experience to disengage students from learning, and it should allow teachers to obtain meaningful information to reflect upon students’ performance and teaching efficiency, so as to better decide what to teach next, which he proposed can be accomplished via a number of new assessment strategies.

The second seminar was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee, Founding President of The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, in which Prof. Osborne was joined by Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao, Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Principal Gyver Lau, Chairman, The Hong Kong Association for Science & Mathematics Education; Dr. Dennis Fung, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong; Ms Lee Suet Ying, Chairman, The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools; and Mrs. Sophie Leung, Founding Chairman, The Young Entrepreneurs Development Council. The panelists exchanged ideas and shared their experience of implementing STEM education in the local context. Finally Prof. Osborne also encouraged the Hong Kong community to engage in internal debates about effectiveness of different assessment methods for facilitating science education.

Ms Nisa Leung, Founder of STEM Initiative Hong Kong, expressed her gratitude for the enthusiastic attendance, “It was our honour to have hundreds of audience members attending the inspiring talks by Prof. Osborne about STEM education. In the future, we will continue to organize activities to promote innovative educational ideas. Our next event will be FabLearn Conference 2016 in late October, which is a platform for educators, researchers, and policy makers to learn, present, and discuss digital fabrication in education, the maker culture, hands-on learning and instructional tools. Please stay tuned and I hope we’ll see you there!”



About Prof. Jonathan Osborne
Prof. Osborne holds the Kamalachari Chair in Science Education at the Graduate School of Education, Stanford University. He was a member of the US National Academies Panel that produced the Framework for K-12 Science Education as the basis for the new Next Generation Science Standards. Currently, he is chair of the expert group for producing the framework for PISA (Programme for International Students Assessment) 2015 and 2018. He has been invited by organizations worldwide to share his insights about science education and STEM education.

About STEM Initiative Hong Kong
STEM Initiative Hong Kong is dedicated to inspiring young people to a great future and preparing them for tomorrow’s infinite possibilities in a fast-changing and increasingly technology-intensive world. STEM Initiative Hong Kong believes that children from a tender age should develop a lifelong, scientist-like passion to always wonder and explore, to learn by trying and experimenting, and to succeed through perseverance. The organization aims at fostering a challenging, interdisciplinary, experiential and multifaceted learning environment in local schools at all levels that excites, engages and enriches students through a unique, learn-by-doing curriculum of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics subjects, to help prepare them for excellence in life through positive thinking, exemplary critical skills, hard work and strong ethics. Website: stemhk.org


Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of STEM Initiative Hong Kong

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: info@seedland.hk